Круглый стол «Infrastructure studies meet Internet studies» (eng)
Is the internet a challenge? Infrastructure Studies meets Internet Studies
Internet has been the object of interest for research projects in Infrastructure Studies many times — internet as a large technological system, cyberinfrastructure, information infrastructure. Wires, protocols, algorithms of social networks and search engines, internet governance organizations such as ICANN — each of these elements of the internet is considered as infrastructure. At the same time, the internet itself is an infrastructure — for the web, user practices, online business and so on. It turns out that the internet is analytically divided into a set of infrastructures, connected to each other — but it's not quite clear how. Do we lose the opportunity to talk about the internet in its integrity and comprehensiveness — an idea that came up from Internet Studies? Or, conversely, the internet as a complex and multi-dimensional object can serve as a starting point for reconceptualization of the infrastructure?
Участники круглого стола:
- Франческа Музиани, Le Centre national de la recherche scientifique
- Ксения Ермошина, Le Centre national de la recherche scientifique
- Дмитрий Серебренников, ЕУ СПб
- Ян Красни, Cultural Trends Lab, UTMN
- Любовь Чернышева, Социологический институт РАН — филиал ФНИСЦ РАН, Университет Амстердама (UvA)
- Полина Колозариди (клуб любителей интернета и общества, ВШЭ)
Лёня Юлдашев, клуб любителей интернета и общества
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