The Third International Conference
May, 28-31. Moscow
The idea
The internet is often named "Global Network" and this makes sense when we think about TCP/IP protocols or Domain Name System. However local issues become more important due to a plenty of reasons. Among them are growth of national governance in each internet segment (China and Russia are the most wide-known examples, but not the only cases) and doversity of local practices (see for example Why we post research project).

Consequently our understanding of the internet as a unified digital space is challenged. This conceptual shift is reflected in research of the Internet's history (Internet Histories journal started with this statement of diversity in 2017), digital practices studies etc. We suppose that we need to move further than comparative research and talk about non-global internet as an issue.

What we argue is that the Internet is becoming less global not only due to governmental policies, but because of that it is an instrument/a medium of the diversity development. We do not suppose that the Internet is not global anymore, but we need to discuss locality, diversity, non-universal and non-unifying discourses and practices around the internet.
  • The Internet in different cities: history, infrastructure, communities, social media;
  • Religious, national, ethnic, subcultural etc. groups in the Internet;
  • Different people and groups of people experience of internet usage
  • Urban media online and offline: how do people read and what do they do with the media, whom do they trust, how do they check and create information;
  • Theoretical and methodological approaches towards the Internet's understanding as a post-/non-global phenomenon;
  • Non-Internet: FidoNet, DarkNet, IntraNet and local networks;
  • Internetization, governance and the ways to understand technical innovations in comparative perspective;
  • Online/offline, human/non-human: the boundaries of concepts and interactions: looking for new conceptual borders.
To make the participation in the conference really useful, we experiment with different formats. Just getting together and talking about our research is probably not something really helpful from out point of view. Thus we offer some options:

  • Classical sections: groups discussing papers with similar topics;
  • Round tables: problem- and practical-oriented, inter- and intra-disciplinary;
  • Pecha-kucha: brief reports to present the topic/the case or to get some feedback;
  • The section on the unfinished and failed research: our conferences' classics to understand «what went wrong»;
  • Fishbowl discussions on complex social phenomena with people from academia & business;
  • Workshops and reading groups to learn new methods and theories together;
  • Art-projects, as well as artistic, activist, «citizen science» research — because a scientific monopoly on the discussion is out of fashion.
The terms of participation
Please, send your paper submissions in .doc format before April, 1, 23:00 (Moscow time, UTC+3). Our mail:
The application should be written in Russian or English and include: title, five keywords, annotation (approximately 300-500 words), information about the author: full name, position / year of study, the name of the organisation/university (a brief guide on how to write the proposal).

Please mark in the application, which genre of report you are interested in:
  • classic paper (15 minutes and questions)
  • pecha-kucha (6 minutes 40 seconds with common thematically organised discussion)
  • unfinished research (brief presentation and large discussion; this option is suitable for you, if during the research you had an interesting / difficult problem)
  • other format (art, poster, perfomance, etc)
  • panel/discussion (please write us about the idea and we'll consider about it)
  • paper session (a special big workshop with prepared texts where people read and comment each others' texts, about 8000 words)
All the papers will be reviewed.

The participation suggests 300 rubles fee, which is optional but very valuable for us. It will be spent on food, coffee breaks and printouts.
Club for Internet and Society enthusiasts

Club for internet and society enthusiasts is a network of researchers who are interested in internet. Rather wide word «researchers» means scholars, business research specialists, artists, journalists, IT-specialists etc.

Since 2015 we organise seminars, reading clubs, conferences, online schools, study expeditions and finally, research initiatives.
We collaborate with universities, journals, companies, NGO and museums in different parts of Russia and beyond.

Our key idea is to develop Internet studies as a interdisciplinary field. As a club we provide a common space for knowledge production, where people from different spheres are involved. We use scientific method, but keep the discussion opened.

Club's website.
We answer and write letters to you
  • Polina Kolozaridi
  • Maria Muradova
  • Lenya Yuldashev
If you want to become our partner or have some ideas about project, please send us letter to